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How To Clean Puppy Ears At Home?

Do you know 20% of canine companions are going through ear disease! Therefore, we must take care of our puppy’s ear hygiene.

After researching through many experiments, medical records, and talking to the experts we are here to offer you 5 easy steps to clean puppy ears at home.

We will discuss everything you need to know about maintaining clean puppy ears.

Clean Puppy Ears

Key Takeaways

Take a quick look at the key takeaways of this article:

  1. The importance of cleaning puppy ears.
  2. When to clean puppy ears.
  3. A step-by-step guide to cleaning puppy ears at home.
  4. Some additional tricks and tips for maintaining clean puppy ears.

Why clean Puppy Ears?

Regularly cleaning puppy ears will prevent infection. It will also remove debris, reduce discomfort, and ensure ear health. Strengthens hearing and bond through regular grooming routine care.

According to Dr. Dawn Logas, DVM, not cleaning puppy ears can result in otitis externa. It is an ear inflammation, often caused by infection or allergies in dogs. Research done on the practical approach to diagnosing and managing ear disease in dogs shows regularly cleaning up puppy ears helps in diagnosing and managing ear diseases.

When to clean Puppy Ears?

Generally, your puppy may need an ear-cleaning session once a month. If they swim regularly consider cleaning once a week. The odor from the ear and head shaking is also your cue to get to work. AKC advises against overcleaning a puppy’s ears. As it can result in irritation and other discomforts.

How To Clean Puppy Ears? A Step By Step Guide

It is necessary to include ear-cleaning in the puppy’s grooming routine. This will help ensure the puppy’s overall well-being. Clean your puppy’s ear in easy and simple 5 steps. Take a look at a step-by-step guide to cleaning your puppy’s ears.

puppy ear cleaning

Step 1: Gather Supplies

Before you start, make sure you have all the supplies ready. You can buy the supplies from pet stores both online and offline. You can also find them at supermarkets. Here is a list of things you are going to need.

  • Dog ear cleaner from a reputed brand
  • Cotton balls
  • Cotton pads
  • Gloves
  • Towel
  • Tissues
  • Treats

Step 2: Pick a Place and Time

Once you have gathered the supplies, it’s time to prepare your pup. Pick a time when your puppy is relaxed and calm. Times like after playtime or nap would be a good choice. Pick a soft surface like a rug or a carpet. Choose a place away from distractions.

Step 3: Find a Friend or Family Member

A friend or family member will make the puppy’s ear-cleaning process a lot easier. They can hold the puppy, and provide reassurance and comfort. They can also keep the puppy distracted while you get the job done. Make sure your pup is already familiar with the person.

Step 4: Inspect the Ears

Pull up your gloves. Guide your puppy to sit or lie. You can use commands, treats, and praise. Gently pull up the puppy’s ear. Check for redness, swelling, discharge, or odor. Also, look for signs of pests like ticks or mites. Repeat the process with the other ear.

In case of abnormalities, consult your veterinarian. Since it may not be safe to conduct the cleaning by yourself. If the ear canal appears clean proceed to the next step.

Step 5: Apply Ear Cleaning Solution and Clean Ears

Gently pull the puppy’s ear up away from the head. This will open up the ear canal. Now pour the solution directly through the ear canal. Fill the ear canal all the way. Gently massage for 30 seconds.

Cover the puppy’s head with a towel. Soon after your puppy will give a shake. This will bring out all the dirt and debris to the puppy’s outer ears. Grab your cotton pads and wipe away debris. As soon as you are done, reward them with a treat and praise. Now repeat in the other ear and finish the process with treats and praise once more.

Tips & Tricks to Maintaining Clean Puppy Ears

  1. Avoid using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or homemade solutions.
  2. Don’t use tools like cotton swabs or anything sharp in your ears.
  3. After cleaning, ensure the ears are thoroughly dried to prevent moisture buildup.
  4. Regularly inspect the puppy’s ears.
  5. Keep puppy ears dry after swimming or bathing.
  6. During baths or swimming, protect your puppy’s ears from water to prevent infections.
  7. Maintain consistency and regular grooming sessions.

Wrap Up

Before finishing up, let’s wrap up everything we have discussed so far.

  1. Consistency in ear cleaning maintains the puppy’s overall health.
  2. Consult a vet for abnormalities before cleaning to ensure safety.
  3. Avoid harsh substances and use dog-specific ear cleaners.
  4. Regularly inspect ears to catch any issues early on.
  5. Keep ears dry to prevent infections, especially after water exposure.


Now that you know how to clean your puppy’s ear. We wish you the best of luck to carry out a successful cleaning session. Remember your little puppy is yet to get used to these new routines. Therefore, maintain consistency for long-term success.

It is important to be patient and calm throughout the process. To know more about puppy care visit our website.


How often should I clean my puppy’s ears?

Can I use homemade solutions for ear cleaning?

What should I avoid when cleaning puppy ears?

How do I know if my puppy’s ears need cleaning?

Can I clean my puppy’s ears too often?

Should I clean my puppy’s ears after swimming?

How can I make ear cleaning easier for my puppy?

What if I notice abnormalities during ear inspection?

Answer: Consult a veterinarian for further evaluation and guidance.


Jessica Comstock

Jessica Comstock

As a passionate dog breeder with 7 years of experience, I've dedicated my career to ethically and responsibly breeding dogs. My expertise in genetics, breed standards, and nurturing environments has allowed me to produce healthy, well-tempered puppies, ensuring their future owners receive loyal and cherished companions.

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